Min jee Nikki Han


Min Jee Nikki Han has a bachelor's degree in Design Architecture/ Digital Media and a master's degree in Architecture at the University of Sydney, Australia. She is pursuing a Ph.D. in Sensing Space Lab. Her interested field of research includes Smart City, Smart Home, HBI (Human Building Interaction), Human-centered space and Sustainable living. Prior to joining Hanyang University, she worked as an architect designer for 7 years in both South Korea and Australia, participating in numerous international competition projects. She tries to pursue simplicity in her lifestyle, inspired by the book called ‘Think Simple’ written by Ken Segall. Outside research, she is interested in walking, plant-interior and painting.

한민지는 호주 시드니 대학교에서 디자인 건축/디지털 미디어 학사 학위와 건축 석사학위를 취득하였다. 현재는 한양대학교 공과대학 건축학부 대학원의 Sensing Space Lab에서 박사과정을 밟고 있으며, 관심 연구분야는 스마트 시티, 스마트 홈, HBI(Human Building Interaction), 인간 중심 공간 및 지속 가능한 생활을 포함한다. 한양대학교 박사과정 입학 전에는 한국과 호주에서 7년 동안 건축디자이너로 일했으며, 다양한 국제 공모 프로젝트에 참여했다. 또한, Ken Segall의 'Think Simple'에서 영감을 받아 라이프스타일에서 단순함을 추구하려고 노력한다. 연구 이외에 산책, 플렌테리어 및 그림 그리는 취미를 가지고 있다.

P u b l i c a t i o n

Min Jee Nikki Han, Mi Jeong Kim and Inhan Kim (2021). Exploring the User Performance of Korean Women in Smart Homes with a focus on User Adoption, Journal of Building Engineering 39, 102303 (SCIE), 20210219

Min Jee Nikki Han and Mi Jeong Kim (2021). A Critical Review of the Smart City in Relation to Citizen Adoption Towards Sustainable Smart Living, Habitat International 108, 102312 (SSCI), 202120215

Min Jee Nikki Han and Mi Jeong Kim (2019). Green Environment and Happiness Level in Housing Areas Towards a Sustainable life, Sustainability 11, 4768 (SSCI), 20190901.

Min Jee Nikki Han and Mi Jeong Kim (2018). A critical review of child-friendly environments, focusing on children's experiential perspectives on the physical world for sustainability. Sustainability 10(10), 3725 (SSCI), 20181031.