A Smart Interactive Campus(SIC) connected with a Local Community
지역사회 기반 스마트 인터랙티브 캠퍼스 계획
MARCH 2023 – FEB 2028
Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea 한국연구재단
Due to the development of various smart technologies, human lifestyles are changing, and accordingly, smart conversion is required not only in residential and work environments, but also in educational environments. Universities in worldwide have been promoting various plans such as implementing ubiquitous and smart campuses through the introduction of technology. In particular, as online lectures and virtual meetings have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been trying to expand to virtual campuses, including metaverse spaces. However, there is a lack of integrated campus research that considers not only the application of systems that support new functions, but also the changes in physical space to which these technologies are applied. In the current society where there is a lack of community support to address issues such as the digital divide between people, social isolation, and stress caused by the smart transition that is taking place rapidly throughout society. In this regard, the development of a smart campus connected with the local community can be an important digital hub that can solve the various categories of issues of the local community in the context of a smart city. In other words, a smart interactive campus can provide a positive smart experience to community residents as a key place to host digitally integrated cultural or educational activities in the community.