Specifying a Mixed Reality-based Design System with a Focus on Design
Mixed Reality기술기반 디자인 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
May 2010 – Apr 2013
Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea 한국연구재단
Most studies on MR/AR-based design systems are undertaken from a technological viewpoint of the computer science, so there is a lack of understandings on architectural design process and designers. Our research starts from this gap in the existing research on MR/AR-based design systems. The aim of this research is to provide a framework and prototype of MR-based design system for the remote design collaboration based on the design cognition and computing theories. In addition, this research establishs a systematic method that will allow the detailed analysis of Mixed Reality (MR)-based design systems from a cognitive viewpoint. This research specifies a MR/AR-based design system to support creative design processes, leading to a guideline for commercial MR/AR-based design systems.