Digital Technologies that Change the Way Designers Think
디지털 기술이 디자이너의 인지능력에 끼치는 영향에 관한 연구
May 2010 – Apr 2012
Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea 한국연구재단
The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of individual design or collaborative design by using a 3D virtual environment and a new concept of UI through experimental research, and a more systematic human behavior analysis method called 'protocol analysis'. It is to prepare the foundation necessary to present a new design environment and UI alternatives that support creativity by presenting experimental evidence on the effect of 3D virtual environment and UI on design and collaborative design by interpreting from a cognitive scientific point of view. The development of a more sophisticated and commercializable design system is possible only after such basic research. This research conducts more in-depth experiments and analysis with a focus on the user experience.