Studying Children’s Creative Problem-Solving in Digital Tangible Interface

디지털 인터페이스 환경에서 어린아이들의 창의적 문제해결에 관한 연구

Mar 2008 – Feb 2009

Funded by Kyung Hee University 경희대학교 교비과제단

Given that modern children have grown up with numerous digital interactive devices it is essential to understand how the digital environment might affect children’s cognitive development. This research investigates the cognitive effects of tactile interaction on children’s problem solving. In order to explore the cognitive development of children with respect to tactile interaction, we compared furniture arrangements by elementary school students of 3D blocks and pencils. A protocol analysis was adopted for examining the ways in which children used the two different tools. This research implies that children in early education need to experience a wide range of digital devices utilizing rich sensorial dimensions as such devices stimulate divergent thinking, affecting cognitive developmental trajectories.